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best weather app apple watch

  • #4

I like WeatherMate. information technology has great complications and on that point are no subscriptions either!

  • #5

Agreed. I went for Carrot simply because I like existence personally abused by my weather app and constantly reminded of my low position in life.

If you're not into liquid body substance, then Crepuscular Sky would be a good number 2 choice.

You can turn over off the snark and have 'professional' mode instead.

  • #8

Directly, wherefore on earth would I want to beryllium 'professional' 😆

Hahaha, I've ne'er used that setting either!


  • #9

+1 for WeatherMate, I used to use Carrot, but got tired of the "multi-tiered" subscription stuff. Went to weathermate, because it had the complications I like and IT was unconfined. This a shot of my Series 4 with the WeatherMate complication at the top midway, and it gives me all I need. You can change the various segments of information technology if that's not what you desire though. I was loss to upload a shot of the various complications you can have, and their variations, simply it was look-alike two pages of data you can have, a duet pages of what it looks like on the watch out faces, so you get into apiece ticker typeface and superior what items of data you want. Just download it, check information technology out, and give information technology a essay, I think you'll find information technology pretty awful. Unconfined, no less!
NOTE: the 68% in the circle represents Humidity, the little "2" represents cloud cover.

Thanks.... just trying to physical body out how to stimulate the watch parameters to show in the complication screen
So Army for the Liberation of Rwanda I tin only show the weather temp for WeatherMate in the watch complications. How can I get the other complication info

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  • #10

A vote for Dark Sky from me. It seems to be very high-fidelity In my location, UK.

I tried Carrot weather but conscionable didn't equivalent the port and found it immature.

  • #14

The customizability of Carrot complications is amazing. You can spend hours tweaking and changing them to show you exactly what you want. Of import for brave nerds.

  • #16

True. I should've mentioned that. Although, it's literally the cheapest subscription I've e'er seen in my life history. The Tier 1 which gives you the customizing is $2.49/year. And Im unaware of any other endure app that does as good a Book of Job with complications.


  • #19

Unfortunately I sleep in Canada and Dark Sky is not available. I would 1 meter pay to get it but I will non pay additional option premiums for Carrot. Non too many past weather apps that I know of that charge extra after the initial payment. Feels to me they are 'gorging' the individual.

  • #20

Carrot Weather or MyRadar. The last mentioned is a annual payment of $10.

  • #21

The inconvenience oneself with every of them is that they stop working at some steer. Like you look at your watch and you tell - nope, just not 78 degrees outside, and you bum't make it to update. Or, instead of a temperature you just get a --. I've got a clump of upwind apps, including Dark Pitch, WeatherMate, and Accuweather (but non Carrot), and I can get whatever of them to play for a spell. And then nope. I always end up going back to the built in apple complications.

  • #23

It isn't exactly straightforward. *sigh* In the phone app, go to settings, (the cog in the u/l corner), then down on the bottom, settings. Here you'll feel a plethora of adjustments, and by scrolling shoot down There's an "Malus pumila Watch" item. There it leave demo which data you want to show along the watch. Active crawfish of that, and scrolling further Almost to the bottom is an entire section "Apple Watch". Here you can adjust umpteen things, and one of the choices here is "Complication Center".

How do you get the watch front on the Apple Picke from weather mate app?

best weather app apple watch

Source: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/best-weather-app-with-complications.2226203/

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